tests profiles
- Fertility profile
- General checkup
- Lipid profile
- Liver profile
- SMAC 20 profile
- Thyroid profile
- Tumor Marker Profile
- Vitamins profile
- Vitamin profile (annual check-up)
- Kidney Profile
- Telomer Index T/S: Indicator of cellular aging
- Food Tolerance profile (221 aliments)
- Food Tolerance profile (50 aliments)
- Oxidative stress profile
- Antioxidant profile
- Fatty acids profile
- Cardiovascular and inflammatory risk assessment
- Endocrine status men
- Endocrine status women
- Nutritional biochemistry
- Trace elements profile
- Vitamin profile (post-treatment check-up)
all tests
online consulting
Hair Analysis
Hair analysis is among the most cost-effective mineral analyses. Hair is less susceptible to erratic changes in the blood that affect trace element levels. It provides a long-term record of mineral excesses and deficiencies, as well as an accurate long-term record of biological activity (your metabolism). Also, hair is E.P.A. recognized for the assessment of toxic metals. Collecting a hair sample (at home) is quick, easy, and non-invasive.